Saturday, July 18, 2015

There's a drive on to improve the use of the local libraries. There's a problem though. Membership fees are R37 per year, which entitles a child to 3 books every fortnight for a year. Being orphans they don't have the money. Please think about sponsoring a child or two! Our banking details are

Makhundu Christian Support
First National Bank
Branch code 270952

Mark your contribution - library

Many thanks

Mandela Day Outreaches

It's Mandela Day today!! Our children have been very busy reaching out to the old folk in their villages. They cleaned out their houses, weeded the yards, cooked a meal with food donated by the neighbours and did the laundry. It's so good to spread a bit of caring and concern - you learn that there are always others worse off than you.

Mandela Day et al

We came across a destitute little family of 2 girls, one with a baby who literally had nowhere to live. They had been beaten and thrown out of the house they were in by their brother. We found a very very generous donor in Austria who provided the funds for us to build them a single roomed house. The local hardware store gave us a whopping discount and so we were able to buy a Jojo tank and gutters to catch and store rainwater, had ceiling put in against the heat and built an outside toilet. It should be finished very soon and then I'll post a picture of the the finished home. Here are some photos of the house being built