Monday, September 26, 2011

September 2011

Traditional dance

Sewing aprons

Making gift bags from newspaper!

Hi there!

I haven't posted for so long that I forgot my password and got in by sheer good luck!

Lots of interesting things have been happening, the most important I think is that we are now making and selling beautiful aprons, keyrings and gift bags! Half the money received in this way goes back into the kitty and the other half goes to the maker for pocket money! The orphans are very excited at the thought of earning a little cash. If anyone is interested send me your order by email to - they make great Christmas gifts!

We had a very successful Heritage Day celebration - over 400 children took part. 2 American friends were there to celebrate too. It was held at our new drop in centre at Bongani village.

We have started building a new centre in Kamhlushwa village and hope to have a soccer fields, netball fields and a bicycle track.

May God bless you all,


Sunday, April 10, 2011

April update

Colouring in
Our granddaughter teaching beading

Hello all who read this blog site. I often wonder who you are! Please send me a message.

We have been busy building another centre at Bongani village which will open soon and it will serve as a drop in centre for the orphans there. They'll have access to learning computer skills, sewing, knitting, embroidery, and beading, as well as have safe place in which to play games, do sport and have their homework supervised. We have a wonderful lady Thandi Ngwena who will be "mother" there, available for the children 24/7.

We are also planning another centre at Kamhlushwa village with much the same in mind, as well as a bicycle track so the kids can ride their bikes, kindly provided by Bikes for Africa". A copy of our our quarterly newsletter has just come out. If you are interested in receiving one, please email me at and I will send you a copy.

We now have a regular Crafts class going every Wednesday afternoon. where the girls mainly are taught beading, embroidery, and sewing simple articles. We hope to get a market for the articles so the girls can earn a bit of pocket money.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello and best wishes for 2011!

I haven't updated this blogsite for some months, as I was having trouble downloading photos but as you can see all is now well!

We have had a busy 6 months with football matches, a huge gathering of children in September where we all had a lot of fun, games were played and the children had dancing competitions. Sabina Govere, our psychologist has been doing wonderful work with the orphans. When she started, the kids were too shy to share in groups, but now they chat away happily, sharing their joys and their pains.

We have also had a lot of visitors - Meredith McCord and her family from Texas, Fr Joseph Knapp, his sister and friends and Yahitta Hassim and a student who was researching childrens rights in particular with regard to orphan-headed homes.

We'll be starting food distribution at the end of this week, on 8th January.

The children sharing in groups