Hello all who read this blog site. I often wonder who you are! Please send me a message.
We have been busy building another centre at Bongani village which will open soon and it will serve as a drop in centre for the orphans there. They'll have access to learning computer skills, sewing, knitting, embroidery, and beading, as well as have safe place in which to play games, do sport and have their homework supervised. We have a wonderful lady Thandi Ngwena who will be "mother" there, available for the children 24/7.
We are also planning another centre at Kamhlushwa village with much the same in mind, as well as a bicycle track so the kids can ride their bikes, kindly provided by Bikes for Africa". A copy of our our quarterly newsletter has just come out. If you are interested in receiving one, please email me at inkrollo@mweb.co.za and I will send you a copy.
We now have a regular Crafts class going every Wednesday afternoon. where the girls mainly are taught beading, embroidery, and sewing simple articles. We hope to get a market for the articles so the girls can earn a bit of pocket money.
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